1. Is Bengal cat a good pet?
Absolutely! Bengal cats make excellent family pets because they are loyal, smart and easy to train. They bring joy to any home with their playful and curious dog-like temperament. Early socialization with dogs or other cats in the house helps them form strong bonds.
2. Why are Bengal cats so special?
Bengal cats are special not only because of their amazing looks but also because of their personalities. While many people consider the Bengal to be a wild cat that only pretends to be domesticated, the breed is actually very sweet and affectionate. As a fiercely loyal friend, the Bengal forms strong bonds with her people.
3. Are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?
Technically, there are no domestic cats that are 100% hypoallergenic but the Bengal is as close as you can get. The breed produces less biomolecular allergen called Fel D1 which means that it's relatively unlikely that your Bengal kitty will cause an allergic reaction.
4. How long Bengal cats live?
Bengal cats are a relatively healthy breed and you can expect them to live an average of 12 to 16 years or more with proper care.
5. Do Bengal cats like water?
Bengal cats are famous for their love of water so if your Bengal cat follows you into the bathtub or the pool, don't be shocked. When given the chance, this breed enjoys swimming, drinking water straight from the faucet, and having fun in the water.
6. Are Bengal cats good with dogs?
Bengal cats are one of the most dog-loving cat breeds out there. They thrive on social interaction and physical activities. The Bengal is a perfect companion for any dog, no matter the size, as long as the dog is cat-friendly and willing to play.
7. What is the rarest Bengal cat color?
The most uncommon and rarest color for Bengal cats is blue (d,d dilute genes). The blue Bengal will have a steel-blue or powdery-blue base coat with cream tones.
8. Can a Bengal cat be left alone?
While every cat is different, an adult Bengal cat usually behaves well when left alone for eight to ten hours, or the length of a regular workday. However, keep in mind that Bengals are high energy, curious, and can be destructive if bored.
9. How big do Bengal cats get?
Bengal cats are slightly larger than other domesticated felines. Adults weigh between 8 and 18 pounds, with males weighing more than females.
10. Are Bengal cats good indoor cats?
Despite their wild appearance and free-spirited nature, Bengals make good indoor cats, as long as they have a stimulating environment and aren't left alone all the time.
11. Do Bengal cats get along with other cats?
Bengals usually get along fine with other cats, as long as proper introductions are made. The key, however, is early socialization and exposure to household pets at the young age.
12. What are Bengal cats most known for?
Bengal cats are most known for their beautiful coats, high intelligence, love for water and dog-like personality.
13. Are Bengal cats very vocal?
Not all Bengals are vocal but most of them love to chat. In fact, they can be very talkative with their owners, communicating with chirps, meows, purrs and yowls, and they love it when their owners talk back to them.
14. Do Bengal cats like to cuddle?
Bengal cats do like to cuddle, but most often it will be on their own terms and not yours. They are very interactive cats that enjoy giving and receiving affection from their humans.
15. Do Bengal cats shed?
Bengal cats shed very little or not at all. However, they will shed more as they transition from their kitten fur to adult fur but once they have their adult coat, they will shed minimally.
16. Where are Bengal cats originally from?
Bengal cat breed is originally from the USA. Breeder Jean Mill from California is credited with creating the first documented Bengal cat. She developed the breed by crossing a domestic shorthair with an Asian leopard cat.
17. Do Bengal cats have health problems?
Bengal cats are generally healthy but they can have hereditary health issues that can be a concern, especially if you aren't cautious about who you buy from. The most common breed-related health problems are; Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), Pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency, Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) and Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Responsible breeders test their breeding cats for genetic diseases to make sure that the kittens will be healthy.
18. Are Bengal cats high-maintenance?
Bengal cats can be considered high-maintenance pets because they require a lot of mental and physical stimulation. They often bond strongly with their families and can be very demanding of their time and attention.
19. Can Bengal cats be trained like dogs?
Bengal cats are a very intelligent breed. They like learning new skills and may be clicker-trained to carry out basic commands like bringing back toys. Bengal cats can also easily be taught to walk on a leash.
20. Do Bengal cats get attached to their owners?
Unlike some domestic breeds of cat, Bengals are also very sociable and love to be a part of daily family life. However, you might find that your Bengal bonds the most to one particular person in the household.